Eco Leaders
Eco-Leaders focuses on environmental sustainability, including the study of society’s attitude to the environment and challenging current beliefs. As the name suggests students take an active role in conservation and lead by example passing on rehabilitation and conservation skills to others. Coast Care activities including dune rehabilitation, re-vegetation and stabilisation form part of the program. Various community groups work with the students to increase their awareness and sustainable message.
ASDAN – Preparing for Adulthood Modules and Short Courses
Towards Independence comprises a set of modules designed to develop and accredit personal, social and independent skills for those with severe learning difficulties (SLD) and profound multiple learning difficulties (PMLD).
The modules contain activities to develop learners’ skills and offers formal recognition for small steps of achievement towards a larger goal. Modules can be used separately and accumulated to build a record of personal achievement.
Towards Independence – Business Enterprise is a course where students will build a school-based enterprise within their year group. In previous years, enterprises have included a herb, fruit and vegetable growing business and a café for staff. Students will develop everything that comes with managing a business. They will be required to choose their ‘project’ and develop a business plan for the year. The students will establish the business rules, advertise their business, complete stocktakes, and calculate the costs to develop their chosen products and the prices for each item they sell as well as seeking feedback from customers.
Workplace Learning
School to work transition is a fundamental component of our Year 10 programs. Our personalised learning pathways include, for each student, a transition plan from Year 9 which provides opportunities for students to gain practical experience in various workplaces, develop job seeking skills, learn about workplace safety and develop the skills and resilience to be successful in their chosen employment.
At work the students will be assessed on these Core Skills for Work (CSfW).
These skills are:
Skills Clusters | Skill Areas |
1. Navigate the world of work | a. Manage Career and work life
b. Work with roles, rights and protocols
2. Interact with others | a. Communicate for work
b. Connect and work with others
c. Recognise and utilise diverse perspectives
3. Get the work done | a. Plan and organise
b. Make decisions
c. Identify and solve problems
d. Create and Innovate
e. Work in a digital world
Keys4Life is a pre-driver program that helps to educate young people about safer road use and allows them to sit their Learner’s Permit Theory Test. Preparing young people for safer driving is an important component of the Western Australian road safety strategy as each year young drivers are over-represented in road crash statistics.
The Keys4Life program is funded by the Road Safety Commission, administered by the Department of Education, and delivered by registered Keys4Life facilitators. The program can be implemented in school and non-school environments with young people aged 15 years and above.
Community Access
Students participate in excursions that introduce them to local activities and venues while developing the skills of an active and engaged community member. This includes planning and catching public transport and attending community events to actively engage within their community and surrounds.
Delivered by Fishability Mandurah and supported by Act, Belong, Commit and the Recreational Fishing Initiative Fund, this program is specifically tailored for Education Support Centres. This program offers the opportunity for students to learn skills, gain confidence, socially interact and create awareness of our environment.